
Sriayu Aritha Panggabean
Andrian Irsyan
Zafril Abdi Nasution
Azriadi Tanjung
Hendra Saputra


The objectives of this community partnership program (PKM) are (1) to understand Affiliate Marketing on E-Commerce Platforms, and (2) to train the people of Sipange Village in Affiliate Marketing on E-Commerce Platforms. The training method consists of three stages: (1) Preparation, (2) Implementation, and (3) Final Evaluation. The PKM partners are the community of Sipange Village, Tukka District, Central Tapanuli Regency. This program aims to enhance the community's understanding of Affiliate Marketing on E-Commerce Platforms and serve as motivation to improve their standard of living.


How to Cite
Aritha Panggabean, S., Andrian Irsyan, A., Zafril Abdi Nasution, Z. A., Azriadi Tanjung, A., & Hendra Saputra , H. (2025). PELATIHAN PRAKTIK AFFLIATE MARKETING PASAR PLATFORM E-COMMERCE DALAM MENUNJANG PEREKONOMIAN MASYARAKAT KELURAHAN SIPANGE K, TUKKA, KABUPATEN TAPANULI TENGAH. Jurnal Masyarakat Indonesia (Jumas), 4(01), 181–184. https://doi.org/10.54209/jumas.v4i01.220